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Movement appetiser 20/09

Start: 20 sep. 2024 09:00
Einde: 20 sep. 2024 10:30

Nieuwland 69, 9000 Gent

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€ 0,00

*Excl. servicekosten

Jongerentarief (16-30 jaar) en 65+

€ 6,00

€ 6,00

Standaardtarief (>30 jaar)

€ 10,00

Resterend: 30

€ 10,00

Kansentarief (UiTPAS)

Stuur jouw UITPASnummer via mail naar platformdevloer@gmail.com

€ 2,00

Resterend: 4

€ 2,00

€ 0,00

*Excl. servicekosten

<| Wanna eat lunch? Register by sending a PM to 0473 46 26 11

How do I embrace my expression in a liberating and empowering way? Each session we tune in with our bodies in the present moment. Through physical sensing, we (re)discover our expressive potential and sharpen our capacity to perceive. At the intersection of body positivity and playfulness, dance unfolds.

<| Let go of brainy thoughts and bring your attention completely to your body.

<| Move with Astrid in the body’s living laboratory. She will take you into her fascination with movement, dance and sensing & maybe you will even start to like your body as your home a little!

<| Open level. No prior experience required! The sessions are both suitable for beginners as well as challenging for the experienced

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